The progress is slow, the resistance to recognition and redress of sexual harassment in the workplace is high, but across India, the tide might just be turning
How does an 18-year-old speak up in 2005 about a man who claims to be best friends with the state’s CM? An attempt to bring a perpetrator named in the #MeToo movement to book resulted in fingers being pointed at the victim
Protest and consent are two sides of a coin and in the absence of one, the other becomes a choice, albeit in the garb of coercion. For the LGBTQAI+ community then, is the ‘right to consent’ invariably denied?
In an increasingly cosmopolitan Goa, Konkanis slow and steady march to irrelevance appears to have begun. Apart from socio-cultural change, large scale...
Largescale development and concretisation has led to the indispensable asset being over-exploited and has left the low-lying coastal areas at significant risk...
Parades and other events are being organised across the world as June is celebrated as the Pride Month, dedicated to the LGBTQ community. The month is marked...
If you want to make a gin, go to Goa! How and why this statement has come to be accepted as reality is still a mystery which we will try to get to the bottom...
Bitcoin price has plunged below $25,000 from $64,000 in 2021
The cryptocurrency market continued to erode value, market cap drops below 1 trillion mark, Bitcoin, Ethereum slide 15 per cent. Binance paused Bitcoin withdrawals temporarily as users rushed to withdraw holdings.
Celsius Network, a cryptocurrency lending firm, has announced pausing of all withdrawals and transfers between accounts due to 'extreme market conditions'.
The world of crypto and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have opened up new avenues for artists to explore their creativity as well as make money through crypto economy